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Push Notifications

Firebase Integration

In order to enable MeetingDoctors Chat notifications, there are two posibilities:

1.- If you have your own Firebase app declared, you must provide us Sender ID and Server Key from your Firebase workspace.

2.- If you don't have a Firebase and don't want to create it, we can provide one. For Android we need your App Package. Once Firebase app are created, we'll provide you google-services.json files to add to your apps.

Push Notifications for Apps without their own FirebaseMessagingService

  • Add this code inside <application> in AndroidManifest.xml of your project In order to allow library show push notifications. You can overwrite notification icon just defining "".
<!-- meetingdoctors-lib -->
<service android:name="">
<action android:name=""/>
<!-- optional --><meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@drawable/<YOUR_DRAWABLE>" />
<!-- meetingdoctors-lib -->

Push Notifications for Apps with their own FirebaseMessagingService

  • Add the following code in your FirebaseMessagingService class:
class YourFirebaseMessagingService: FirebaseMessagingService() {
override fun onMessageReceived(p0: RemoteMessage) {
MeetingDoctorsClient.instance?.onFirebaseMessageReceived(p0, null)
  • If your App update your Firebase Token, you must update to our SDK, you can do this the following way, e.g. in your FirebaseMessagingService class:
class YourtFirebaseMessagingService: FirebaseMessagingService() {
override fun onNewToken(p0: String) {

Disable permission check

When the professional list is shown, it appears an activity with the check of push notification permission. You can disable with the field meetingdoctors_show_permissions_manager in your bools.xml (By default is true)

<bool name ="meetingdoctors_show_permissions_manager">false</bool>

Versions 1.45.X

In versions 1.45.0 or higher, to do the correct flow of the notification push, you must add this line in your MAIN Activity (SplashActivity, MainActivity...)
